Stay Safe Whilst Driving at Night

Posted by Julie Smith on

It may come as no surprise that 40% of all collisions take place in the dark.  There are a number of things you can do to reduce the chances of a collision at night.

Use headlights with good timing

Turn on your headlights an hour before sunset, and an hour before sunrise - this makes it easier for other vehicles to see you. Ensure your outside lights are working properly, and that they are clean and undamaged, since this creates glare for other road users. Ensure your inside lights are off. Using interior lights can distract the driver, and creates glare on the windscreen that makes it harder to see outside.


Use full beam headlights wisely

When out on countryside roads, aim to use full beam lights whenever it is safe to do so. This makes it easier to spot hazards ahead of your vehicle. However, ensure you dim your headlights when another car is approaching, since full beam lights could dazzle the other driver, potentially putting them - and you - in danger.  If you find yourself dazzled by another vehicle's headlamps, keep your speed steady and remain close to the left-hand side of the road. Avoid looking directly at the oncoming lights.

Keep your windscreen clean

Grimy or damaged windscreens make it more difficult to see other road users, scattering the light and increasing the effects of glare.

Ensure your night vision is working well

While your day time eyesight may be working fine, your night vision may not. It's important to have regular eyesight check ups to ensure your eyes can read the road ahead in low light and night time conditions. And of course, never wear dark lenses in low-light conditions.

Train your eyes on the road ahead

Scan the horizon for glimmers of light that may be oncoming headlights. Also keep careful watch for cyclists and pedestrians - who can be trickier to spot after dark.

Slow down

Reducing your speed gives you more time to react if a hazard appears.

Take regular breaks

You naturally feel more drowsy between midnight and 6am.  With this in mind, take a break if you need one, and top up with coffee or other caffeinated beverages to help you stay alert. Also be aware that "drowsy driving" may be more likely among other drivers. Avoid longer night time trips if possible.

Watch out for wildlife and other animals

We live in a beautiful rural location and are more likely to encounter wildlife and domestic animals on the roads than those who live in built up areas. Rural locations are home to pheasants, cats, dogs, badgers, foxes, rabbits and hedgehogs, all of which - sadly - can often get hit by vehicles. Reducing your speed and remaining alert will help you avoid hitting such domestic animals and wildlife.


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